
  •  Córais. Our polypropylene lined pipes are manufactured using advanced spiral submerged arc welding technology, ensuring superior quality and durability. This state-of-the-art pipe is designed to meet the highest standards for groundwater supplies, providing a reliable and long-lasting solution for a variety of applications.

  • Introducing the X42 SSAW steel pipe pile, a versatile and durable foundation solution ideal for dock and port construction projects. Tá an píopa táthaithe bíseach seo ar fáil i raon leathan trastomhais, idir 400-2000 mm de ghnáth, rud a chiallaíonn go bhfuil sé oiriúnach d'iarratais éagsúla. Is é an trastomhas is coitianta a úsáidtear den charn píopa cruach seo ná 1800 mm, a sholáthraíonn neart agus cobhsaíocht leordhóthanach do do riachtanais tógála.

  • When it comes to gas pipeline installation, ensuring the safety and reliability of the system is crucial. Príomhghné den phróiseas is ea an nós imeachta táthúcháin a úsáidtear chun páirt a ghlacadh sna comhpháirteanna éagsúla den phíblíne gáis, go háirithe agus píopa cruach SSAW á úsáid. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of proper pipe welding procedures in gas pipe installations using SSAW steel pipe.

  •  standards to ensure high quality construction and performance. Cinntíonn an próiseas foirmithe píopa cruach bíseach a úsáidtear ina tháirgeadh dífhoirmiú aonfhoirmeach an phláta cruach, an strus iarmharach íosta, agus dromchla réidh gan scratches.

  • Tá ról ríthábhachtach ag píopaí uisce faoi thalamh i mbonneagar nua -aimseartha, ag soláthar bealach iontaofa agus éifeachtach chun uisce a iompar chuig áiteanna éagsúla. These pipes are typically made from a variety of materials, with one popular option being spiral welded carbon steel pipe. In particular, 


  • s play a vital role in the construction of pipeline gas infrastructure. Tá na píblínte seo ríthábhachtach chun gás nádúrtha, ola agus sreabháin eile a iompar thar achair fhada, rud a fhágann gur cuid thábhachtach den tionscal fuinnimh iad. 

  • At Cangzhou Spiral Steel Pipes Group Co., Ltd., we are very proud to present our latest breakthrough in the steel pipe industry – SSAW pipe. Comhcheanglaíonn an táirge nuálach seo teicneolaíocht cheannródaíoch le saineolas thar cuimse chun réitigh gan uaim a sholáthar d'iarratais éagsúla. SSAW pipe is a spiral welded pipe made from high-quality strip steel coils. We use advanced extrusion technology to ensure consistent temperature throughout the entire production process, and then perform...